
The Fort Johnson History website is maintained by the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and Fort Johnson’s Cultural Resource Program (CRP). The website was initially developed in 2007 as part of an outreach effort to Heritage Families of Camp Polk and Peason Ridge and other community members and individuals interested in the culture and history of the Fort Johnson area. The Fort Johnson History website content is growing to include a broader range of information on the archeological and paleontological resources of Fort Johnson, as well as the Installation’s curation program.

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Fort Johnson and the Heritage Family Association

Fort Johnson’s CRP works closely with the Heritage Family Association (HFA), a private not-for-profit entity formed in 2012 by members of the Heritage Families, a group of almost 700 families who were displaced from their homes and land for creation of Camp Polk and Peason Ridge in the early 1940s. The purpose of the HFA is to encourage interest in family history, genealogy, and the lifeways of the Heritage Families and ancestors. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the family history and heritage of the Camp Polk, Peason Ridge and surrounding areas of Louisiana.